From this point moving forward much of the story of the Israelites centers around YHVH instructions for His people. The specificity and wisdom in these texts is remarkable as even in our modern society many of these guidelines are still in practice today or have been confirmed by modern science. This section opens with instructions regarding "servants", many of your translations may say "slave". However, the Biblical instruction is regarding indentured servanthood..
In this week's study we have several study suggestions that we pray edifies you and your family in your faith. Download week #18 study guide by clicking the "click to download" image. Also, at the bottom of this page we have a list of other free potential resources related to this week's study for your family. We encourage you to check them out.
How Did Raising Warriors Begin? In this short, fun video we describe the basic story of how the Raising Warriors Study Guides came into existence. While this is our personal journey as a teacher and a youth pastor we began to see a great need for solid, Biblically sound Bible Studies for families. However, that proved to be a very difficult task.
This study guide is unique in so many ways, and it may take a few weeks to get into a good rhythm. We encourage everyone to watch this short video before using the Raising Warriors Family Study Guides. This study is likely not even close to anything you may have seen int the past, and it can be a little overwhelming at first. Have no fear, this video explains exactly what to expect, and how to implement it with your family in the most effective manner possible.
Help Us Continue In Our Work:
Since shifting to a completely free resource for families we are in need even more of your support so we can continue creating this content for your families. If you have benefited from these resources hit the link below and become a contributor to our Patreon.
Ready to get started? Download your free, full copy below
Week #18 PDF full Raising Warriors Bible Study Guide download
We appreciate you taking the time to download this resource, we pray it is a valuable building block for the spiritual development for you and your family. If you have questions or concerns please send us a message and we will be happy to respond as soon as
Recommended Weekly Schedule:

We encourage you to use these resources as a guide to explore the readings from this week's Torah portion. While we compile and link these resources, we by no means agree with everything stated in every video or article below. However, we do believe, even if we disagree we can use them as a conversation to study Scripture, to test everything, and to engage in a healthy Biblical conversation using these resources as a jumping off point.
Lantern Kids Week #18: Honor Your Father and Mother |
Speak Life: Sam Harris vs Jordan Peterson Part 4: Does The Bible Condone Slavery? (This is commentary on a debate about the Bible. The commentary is good on the debate, but is incomplete. Please watch and test if this is a valuable conversation starter for your family, especially your teens.) |
Whaddo You Meme?: Why the Bible (doesn’t) Support Slavery (Response to Cosmic Skeptic) Part 1 (Parents: I would encourage you to watch this video and the series. While he offers a mainstream "Christian" viewpoint, he actually handles the arguments very well. My primary objection is they keep using the term "slave" and really we are talking about servanthood) |
Disclaimer: All materials and resources linked or suggested above are available for free in this list and on their host sites. Therefore Lantern Ministry is not attempting to sell or misuse copyright protected material or content from any other person, ministry, or entity. Lantern Media and Ministry does not necessarily agree with or promote the theology of these recommended resources or their associated ministries or businesses. We ask that you test everything before using it in your home for teaching or edification. Sometimes we will make notes after each link If you have any questions or concerns please contact the ministry via the website @ https://www.lanternministry.org/contact.