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Jeromy Kusch
Jun 17, 2023
Week #36: Beha'alotcha: 
"When You Set Up"
Week #36 Beha'alotcha "When You Set Up" Numbers 8:1 - 12:16. Learn important lessons from the Israelites, Moses, and Miriam and Aaron

Jeromy Kusch
Jun 11, 2023
Week #35: Nasso: 
"Take Up"
Week #35 Nasso "Take Up" Numbers 4:21-7:89 Nazarites vow and offerings, the Tabernacle is consecrated, and the blessing.

Jeromy Kusch
Apr 24, 2023
Week #28: Metzora: "Leper""
Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Week #28 Meteor "leper" Leviticus 14:1-15:33 Cleansing for leapers and bodily fluids

Jeromy Kusch
Apr 9, 2023
Week #26: Sh'mini: "Eighth"
Weel #26 Sh'mini, "Eighth", Leviticus 9:1-11:47, Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Guide, Consecration of the priests and other regulation

Jeromy Kusch
Apr 2, 2023
Week #25 Tsav Command, Leviticus 6-8, Sacrifices, Priestly consecration, Moses instructs the priests on their role within the community.

Jeromy Kusch
Mar 26, 2023
WEEK #24: Vayikra: "HE CALLED"
Week #24 Vayikra "he called" Leviticus 1-6:7, God gives more instruction to the Israelites regarding sacrifices and offerings before Him.

Jeromy Kusch
Feb 19, 2023
Week #18: Mishpatim: "Judgments"
THE INSTRUCTIONS OF YHVH From this point moving forward much of the story of the Israelites centers around YHVH instructions for His...

Jeromy Kusch
Feb 12, 2023
Week #17: Yitro: "Jethro"
Week #17 Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Guide Yitro Jethro Exodus 18:1-20:26. In an epic scene, YHVH puts His full glory on display.

Jeromy Kusch
Feb 5, 2023
Week #16: Beshalach: "When He Sent"
Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Week #16 Beshalach Exodus 13:17-17:16 God brings great deliverance to the people of Israel

Jeromy Kusch
Jan 15, 2023
Week #13: Sh'mot: "Names"
Week #13 Sh'mot Names Exodus 1-6:1. Hundreds of years have passed since Joseph's death and the people of Israel are suffering in bondage.

Jeromy Kusch
Jan 7, 2023
Week #12: Vayechi: "He Lived"
Week #12 Vayechi Family Bible Study Guide. Genesis 47:28-50:26. Israel prophecies over his sons, and they may seem a bit strange.

Jeromy Kusch
Dec 19, 2022
Week #9: VAYESHEV: "He Settled"
Raising Warriors family Bible study guide week #9 Vayeshev Genesis 31-40. Joseph's brothers turn on him and he is sold into slavery.

Jeromy Kusch
Dec 4, 2022
Week #7: VAYETZE: "He Went Out"
Week #7 Vayetze He went out Genesis 28:10-32:2 Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Guide

Jeromy Kusch
Nov 20, 2022
Week #6: Tol'dot: History
Tol'Dot History genesis 25:19-28:9 Week #6 Raising Warriors Family Bible Study. Esau spurns his birthright and Jacob conspires to steal it.

Jeromy Kusch
Nov 13, 2022
Week #5: Cheyei: Sarah
Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Week #5 Cheyei Sarah Genesis 23-25:18. Sarah and Abraham die and the story continues with Isaac.

Jeromy Kusch
Nov 6, 2022
Week #4: Valera: He Appeared
Raising Warriors Week #4 Vayera "He Appeared" Genesis 18-22. God asks a lot of Abraham and his faith is tested in a crazy way.

Jeromy Kusch
Oct 30, 2022
Week #3: Lech Lecha: Go Forth
Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Week #3 Lech Lecha Go Forth Genesis 12-17. God's covenant and promise given to Abraham.

Jeromy Kusch
Oct 30, 2022
Week #2: Noach "Noah"
Raising Warriors Family Bible Study Week #2 Noach, Noah Genesis 6:9-11:32. Noah, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. God's covenant with man.

Jeromy Kusch
Oct 22, 2022
Week #1: Bereshit: "In a Beginning"
Raising Warriors, Bereshit, Week #1, Genesis 1-6, Creation, Can and Abel, Sin, and the garden of eden. Study the Bible with your family.

Jeromy Kusch
Oct 3, 2022
Week #53: Ha'azinu "Listen"
Week #53 Ha'azinu "listen" Deuteronomy 31:30-32:52 Moses sings a song of judgement prophesying destruction for the Israelites
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